Monday, October 09, 2006


"I'm not going to let stuff get me upset,
and i wont let all the little things get me depressed.
when i was a young boy i got a stereo
and i taped all the songs straight off the radio.
the sounds that the bands made,
and the melodies is all i need to make me feel free.
sometimes you get so low,
you don't know why, or a little upset all inside.
May i remind you? that you don't live in poverty,
you got your youth, and you got food in your belly.

I can get a record player, and a generator.
Generate the music that makes you feel better.
I can get a record player, and a generator.
Generate the music that makes you feel better."


Blogger Terry said...

is this the quote of someone well-known?

12/10/06 3:15 am  
Blogger Kath said...

not really! It's a song out over here called Generator- by the Holloways. Daft fun!

12/10/06 9:36 am  
Blogger Terry said...

cool! i just heard part of the song over at

it's been good reading dan hames blog for a bit...i'm kind of a recent fan to hymns and he commented once on a discussion forum at and that's how i found his blog ...then i read your comment the other day and thought., has some discernment...i need some, too...i pray that like it says, "iron sharpens iron, so one (wo)man sharpens another)" will be true in my life...
if nothing else, i had never heard the phrase, "daft fun" before, but just told my daughter, 16, about you saying it... we plan to use it in our vocabulary now when we get the chance:)

15/10/06 4:19 am  

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