Thursday, July 13, 2006


I think today's comes when on the train up to London, reading through several stories of people who come to Jesus as they are, the 'sinful' woman who comes to Jesus and pours perfume on his feet and Zacchaeus as he climbs his tree desperate for a glimpse of this man. The sheer brilliance of bringing our mates to Jesus is incredible. Such a simple idea and yet so mindblowing, go and read through some of the stories in the gospels for yourself if you need convincing.

(Coming into a close second was the classic game of Dutch Blitz with friends this afternoon, the conversations ranging from calling each other bitches, to talking about deeply embarrassing sins with each other, to marveling at the wonderfulness of Jesus who is so beautiful, gentle, intimate, revealing, challenging and the best lover of our souls.)

All this kind of makes me wonder why tonight my brain shifts to wanting to drink more wine and forget who I really am. How I need the cross. How I long for the new earth, when all this will seem so small, tiny and temporary. Bring on that day.


Blogger Welshie said...

Bring it indeed!

(Also looking forward to the day we start working together!)

13/7/06 9:56 pm  

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